CSN Group Meeting Locations
Meets individually with people by appt.
Temple Israel
1376 Massey Rd. Memphis, TN 38120
Temple Israel Contact – Faith Ruch: faithr@timemphis.org, 901-937-2789 FOR APPOINTMENTS
Moderators – Robert Mann: robertdmann@gmail.com, Ginger Manie:gingermanie@gmail.com
Resume Reviewer / Editor – Barbara Hermann: BarbaraMHermann@gmail.com or text (901) 425-6585
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
7:15 – 8:15 am
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
8151 Poplar Ave. Germantown. TN 38138
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 4184 8838
Passcode: 030870
General session on job search
Moderators: Pat Hayden: Patrick_Hayde74@hotmail.com, 901-482-6022, Tom Wilson: twilson16@aol.com, 901-351-2640
Germantown Presbyterian Church
6:30 – 8:00 pm (meeting in person)
Speaker and Q & A
Germantown Presbyterian Church
2363 S. Germantown Rd. Memphis, TN 38138
Please contact Moderators for information
Moderators – Robert Mann: robertdmann@gmail.com, Mark McKee: markmckeeipad@gmail.com, Carlin Stuart: carlinstuart@gmail.com
Christ Methodist Church
8:45 – 10:00 am (In Person and Zoom)
Lecture meeting on a job search topic or speaker with Q & A
Primary focus on interview skills
4488 Poplar Ave. Memphis, TN 38117. Enter the Poplar Avenue side entrance which is beneath the drive-thru canopy. Meeting in the Lamppost Room on the 1st floor.
Zoom Meeting ID: 816 8868 8204 Password: 364269
Moderators – David Lanthier: delanthier@msn.com, Howard Wenbert: hwenbert@gmail.com
Panera Bread Laurelwood shopping center
8:15 – 9:45 (In Person and Zoom)
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87677425244?pwd=MXJudmVhRThZTkppazFpc3hMV0ttUT09
Discussion on individual job search challenges
Moderator – Susan Levko: susanlevko@gmail.com
advent Presbyterian church
9:00 – 10:30 am (meeting in person and zoom same time/day)
Accountability meeting – each person gives their elevator speech and receives networking advice
1879 N. Germantown Parkway, Cordova, TN 38016. We will meet in room 208. Please park in front of the church and enter the front door.
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89962362125?pwd=UEdFRFVGaVFTcGU3VDhNOEl3c3pGUT09
Moderators – Rudy Watkins: dalipastures@bellsouth.net, Richard Redmont rredmont@shoemakerfinancial.com